NodaFi modern CMMS prevents costly breakdowns, reduces emergency repairs, and keeps your maintenance budget in check.

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Our vision

With over $70 billion lost to energy waste and 3 billion hours of untapped human potential, the facilities management sector grapples with persistent inefficiencies. Employing over 2 million professionals in the United States alone, facilities managers have been largely overlooked by the tech industry. These professionals dedicated to maintaining our essential physical infrastructure deserve tools that empower them, not subpar software solutions that only compound their struggles.

What if there was a better way?

What if you could unlock the true potential of facilities management, ensuring seamless operations and maximum efficiency?

Our mission

At nodaFi, we’re on an audacious mission to reclaim 3 billion hours for the hardworking individuals who maintain our physical infrastructure. We believe that people working in facilities management deserve beautiful, intuitive software that empowers them in their work. That’s why we built nodaFi, a modern Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) that empowers businesses to confidently and easily manage thousands of assets across numerous facilities at maximum efficiency, reducing costs and improving safety.

Unlike spreadsheets, which aren’t purpose-built to meet the complex and evolving needs of maintenance management, or legacy CMMS that suffer from outdated technology, limited scalability, and complex user interfaces — nodaFi is a modern, cloud-based CMMS.

NodaFi stands out by offering improved functionality, scalability, mobility, and integration capabilities. It is specifically designed to meet the complex needs of today's maintenance management. The result is a more cost-effective and user-friendly solution.

Success in our journey is rooted in our unwavering dedication to go above and beyond for our customers. Their satisfaction is not just a goal, it's the heartbeat of our success story.

Jacob Pandl

Founder & CEO, nodaFi

Our core values – igniting excellence through Grit, Empathy, Ownership, Action, Principles, and Purpose.

Ownership mindset: We cultivate a culture of responsibility and accountability, where we actively take charge of challenges, pioneering innovative solutions that enhance the performance of facilities management teams.

Grit: Perseverance is the backbone of our approach, demonstrating relentless determination to overcome challenges and achieve excellence in CMMS solutions.

Empathy: Rooted in understanding, our commitment to empathy ensures we listen and respond to the unique needs of our clients, fostering relationships built on trust and collaboration.

Purpose-driven: Guided by a clear sense of purpose, our work goes beyond mere functionality. We are dedicated to creating CMMS solutions that align with the broader goals and aspirations of our clients.

Bias towards action: We embrace a proactive stance, where decisiveness and swift execution define our commitment to delivering tangible results and continuous improvement.

First principles approach: Our foundation lies in a methodical approach, breaking down complex problems to their fundamental components, enabling us to innovate and build solutions from the ground up.

Ready to take the next step?

Discover how to empower your facilities team in a whole new way with a modern CMMS. Talk to an expert.

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